Import a Preconfigured Solution

Even if business processes run differently in every organization, share key requirements and decision points. The preconfigured solutions turn these common denominators into smooth digital workflows, which you can easily implement in the form of already set-up file cabinets, user profiles, dialogs, workflows and other components in your organization in just a few steps.

For example, your DocuWare system can be set up to use electronic signatures without much effort thanks to a preconfigured solution. The form for registering with the signature service provider, the signing workflow and other important components are already configured. Documents that you store in DocuWare can then be transferred to a signature workflow directly when they are stored or later using a stamp.

More preconfigured solutions are available for Invoice Processing or Smart Document Control.

Importing a preconfigured solution is done via a DWBUC file (DocuWare Business Use Case), which is imported in DocuWare Configuration > General. This area is only visible to organization administrators.

Refer to the user manual for more information on setting up preconfigured solutions (access only with special authorization; if necessary, get in touch with your DocuWare contact).

Technical notes: Preconfigured solutions can be used in the DocuWare Cloud functional scope. The possibility to use preconfigured solutions with on-premises organizations is available from DocuWare version 7.4. Preconfigured solutions cannot be imported into locally installed BUSINESS installations.

If you are interested in a preconfigured solution, address your DocuWare contact.