Electronic Signature

DocuWare for Electronic Signature makes it possible to send documents directly from DocuWare to third parties (customers, business partners, employees) for signing and to easily track the signature status. Via a secure, seamless signing process, the signature providers Validated ID or DocuSign are integrated and an invitation to sign is initiated. Once signed, the process returns the signed document with a signature certificate to DocuWare, where it is stored securely and in compliance with the law.

The solution version you are using is found in the "SG - System Data" file cabinet and is independent of your DocuWare version.

The articles are valid for the solution version SG7.9T0 + SG7.8T0 + SG7.7T1.

Setup and customize

Integration in existing systems

DocuWare for Electronic Signature can be used as a standalone DocuWare solution, but can also be easily and quickly integrated into a new or existing DocuWare Cloud organization (e.g., DocuWare for Smart Document Control) to add the electronic signature process.

By default, the "SG - Documents" file cabinet with the "For Signature" store dialog is prepared for the signature process in the solution. In this cases, when storing documents in a different file cabinet the solution can be modified in a few steps to submit documents for signing while or after storing them.

All users who work with the solution need the role of "SG - Basic Functions" and a function profile of "SG - Basic Profile DocuSign" or "SG - Basic Profile ValidatedID". Find out more

Modifications can be made in advance by your DocuWare representative.

Signature provider and account subscription

A signature service is required to use the DocuWare for Electronic Signature preconfigured solution. Validated ID and DocuSign are the supported trust service providers to deliver the infrastructure for advanced and qualified electronic signatures:

  • Validated ID and DocuSign offer different signature methods that you can use with the solution.

  • Signature packages for Validated ID can be purchased directly from your DocuWare representative (except for centralized signatures).

  • Once you have signed a service agreement with a provider, you will need to connect your DocuWare solution to your account - see paragraph below.

  • Create your "signature configurations" for different document types or layouts, in which you define the exact details for your signature processes.

Signature methods

The signature methods available to you in the solution will depend on your account subscription with the signature service provider.

Remote signatures (Validated ID and DocuSign)

With both signature providers, you have the option of sending documents via remote signature directly from DocuWare to third parties for signature and, if required, countersigning them internally. Signees do not have to register with the provider and can sign the document using with a PC, tablet, or smartphone without having to install anything.

To ensure security, each service offers double verification through a variety of authentication methods.

  • Validated ID offers authentication to the signee by SMS code.

  • DocuSign offers authentication by phone, access code, SMS, KBA, as well as signing without any authentication.

The signature is then placed on a specifically designated page or above a specifically designated anchor text in the document, which you define in the associated signature configuration.

Additional options:

  • Remote Dynamic signature (DocuSign)
    The signature can be placed anywhere on the document using the signature field options in DocuSign, no internal signature option is available when using this configuration.

  • Multiposition Signature (Validated ID and DocuSign)
    The external signee must sign in several places. The placement of external initials is only available with DocuSign.

Biometric signature and centralized signature (Validated ID)

Validated ID also offers biometric and centralized signatures.

The biometric signature is handwritten on a registered tablet or other device and is mainly used in "face to face" situations, e.g., for registrations, delivery notes, etc. With centralized signatures, a certificate for each signee is stored in advance with Validated ID, confirming the signee's identity.

Further information on the individual signature methods are available directly from Validated ID and DocuSign, as well as in the DocuWare White Paper on Electronic Signature.

Connect solution with signature provider

The solution only works in combination with a service provider for signatures. To do this, the organization must first be registered with the service provider. To link DocuWare with the signature service provider you must register your account subscription information. The registration is easy to complete when setting up the solution using the “SG – Register Signature Provider” form stored in the solution. If applicable, it can be completed by your DocuWare representative.

Note: For each signature, the signature provider refers to the original registration to check whether the initiating organization is authenticated. If the administrative user's password with which the registration was performed is modified, the registration must be repeated. Please also feel free to contact DocuWare Support in this case.

Register biometric device (Validated ID)

If you want to use Validated ID's biometric signature, the device, for example a smartphone or tablet, on which the handwritten electronic signature is to be entered—must be registered. You need the "SG - Administrator" user role to register the device within the solution.

  • Go to "Forms" tab and open the "SG - Registration of Biometric Device" form.

  • Enter the device name in the form. This name must have been set in advance on the device itself:

    • To do this, download the free VIDsigner app from the appropriate store (Google Play, Apple App Store, etc.) to the device.

    • As soon as you open the VIDSigner app, a registration form appears.

    • Enter the required enrollment code from your VIDsigner account/onboarding kit and define the name for the device.

  • Click "Submit" on the registration form. The device can now be selected when creating a signature configuration.

Set up a signature configuration

Use a signature configuration to define which signature method is used, where in the document the signature is placed, or even when the signature link expires. You can also specify whether an additional internal signature is required and which user is responsible for this.

Using the "SG - New Signature Configuration" form provided in the solution, any number of signature configurations for different document types or document layouts can be created – for example, for delivery notes, different contract types, etc. To access the form, you need the "SG - Administrator" user role.

Once you have created a signature configuration, users of the solution can select it in the store dialog for documents to be signed, as well as from the "For Signature" stamp, to start the signature process.

Useful tips in advance:

  • Before creating a signature configuration, your DocuWare organization must be registered with the service provider.

  • For documents with a uniform formatting of the signature area, you do not need a separate configuration for each document type. If, for example, the signature of the business partner is always using a fixed anchor text within the document (e.g.,client signature).

  • If you want to create the configuration for a biometric signature, the biometric device must be registered beforehand.

  • If you specify in the signature configuration that an internal signature is to be applied, you may have to store the signee beforehand.

User administration

User Roles

Roles are assigned when a user is created in User Managment. Depending on the user role, users can see and use different elements of the solution.

The following user roles are available for the Electronic Signature solution:

SG - Basic Functions

Members of this user role can store documents for signature and search for documents. Additionally, they can apply stamps onto documents to start the signature process when the user is assigned to the appropriate function profile:

  • For signatures using the provider Validated ID the function profile must be assigned to SG - Basic Profile ValidatedID. This means that only the stamps available for Validated ID are displayed.

  • For signatures using the provider DocuSign the function profile must be assigned to SG - Basic Profile DocuSign. This means that only the stamps available for DocuSign are displayed.

SG - Administrator

Members of this user role manage the system and have access to the configuration, all workflows, and the file cabinets. The administrator can, for example, create new users or create new signature configurations.

Default Organization Role

This role is automatically assigned to each user by the system without any functionality for the solution.

Organization Administrator

On a newly created organization, this is the role of the administrator of the DocuWare system. This role has been assigned to the organization's registration user.

Add a new user

As the administrator you can add new users to work with the solution in a few steps:

  • Open DocuWare Configuration via the main menu and go to "User Management".

  • Click "New user" to add a new user; alternatively, click an existing user to assign them the roles and function profiles to use the solution.

  • Enter the required general data for new users.

  • Navigate from the "General" tab to the "Roles" tab and assign the user at least the "SG - Basic Functions" user role and optionally the "SG - Administrator" user role.

  • Switch from the "Roles" tab to the "Function profiles" tab and assign the "SG - Basic Profile DocuSign" or "SG - Basic profile Validated ID" function profile to the user, depending on the signature provider used.

  • Save your configuration.

Store internal signees/external signees for centralized signature

Users who are to countersign a document internally but have not stored it themselves must be stored as signees in the "SG - Signees" file cabinet.

In addition, all signees who use the Validated ID's centralized signature must be stored in this file cabinet, since this signature method requires a certificate that must be documented.

It only takes a few steps to store new signees. You need the "SG - Administrator" user role to do so.

  • In DocuWare Client, go to the document tray area

  • Right click on empty space to "Create data record"

  • Select the "SG - Signees - New Signee" store dialog.

  • Complete the required information. An entry in the "Certificate" field is only necessary if the signee uses the centralized signature. If that is the case, enter the user's certificate number.

  • Save via "Create data record." The new signee can now be selected, when creating a signature configuration.

Signature process

Start the signature process

Documents move through the signature process immediately when they are stored with the signature status “Send for signature now” or later with signature status “Send for signature later” and then by using a stamp to initiate the process. The signature method used and what options, for example, internal signature are defined by the signature configuration you select in the process.

Once the document is signed, it is automatically saved in the file cabinet – either as a replacement for the original unsigned document or clipped before the unsigned document. This is also defined individually for each signature configuration. The certificate report is also available to store.

Start signature process when storing a document

  • Capture the document in the document tray (via scan, import, drag & drop, print, etc.) and select the "For Signature" store dialog (in the standard installation, this store dialog is linked to the "SG - Documents" file cabinet).

  • Verify that "Send for signature now" is selected as the signature status (usually prefilled).

  • Choose the appropriate signature configuration for your document

  • Fill in the necessary index fields: The following fields are required by default: "Contact Name," "Email," and "Mobile Number."

  • The signature process starts as soon as you save the document with the "Store" button.

Signatur bei Ablage

Start signature process by stamp

For documents that have already been stored, a signature process can be triggered at any time using a stamp. Please note that documents must be stored in the file cabinet that has been adapted in your system for the signature process (in the standard installation, the "SG - Documents" file cabinet is used for this purpose).

  • Search for document requiring signature and open it in the viewer.

  • Choose the "SG - For Signature" stamp (or alternatively the "SG - Dynamic Positioning" stamp if this DocuSign signature method is available to you and you want to use it).

Per Stempel 1

  • Choose an appropriate signature configuration and enter the required data. The signature process is initiated as soon as you place the stamp anywhere in the document.

Per Stempel 2

  • The applied stamp will not be displayed on the signed document. It will only be displayed on the original unsigned document if it’s not replaced by the signed document.

Cancel signature process

You can stop a signature process that has already started by applying the "SG - Cancel Signature Request" stamp to the document.

Signatur abbrechen EN

Monitoring signature status

To monitor documents that are currently waiting for signature, signed, not signed or data records in process the solution uses lists.

Lists are assigned to the "SG - Administrator" role and/or to the "SG - Basic Functions" role in User Management. The documents are stored in the SG - System Data and the SG - Documents file cabinets or in the file cabinet that has been adapted in your system for the signature process) adapted in your system for the signature process):

Lists for the Administrator Role

SG - System Data - Data Records in the Signature Process
This list displays all data records that are currently in the signature process.

SG - System Data - Unsigned Data Records (last 30 days)
This list displays all records that are currently unsigned in the signature process within the last 30 days.

SG - Documents - All Documents Waiting for signature
This list displays all documents for which a signature has currently been requested and are still in the signature process.

Lists for the Basic Functions Role

SG - Documents - My Documents not signed (last 30 days)
This list contains all the unsigned documents for which users have requested signatures and they have been returned as "Not Signed" in the last 30 days. If you need to find older unsigned documents, they can be easily found in the file cabinet with a search.

SG - Documents - My Documents Waiting for signature
This list contains all the document for which you have requested a signature and are currently in the signature process.

SG - Documents - My signed Documents (last 30 days)
This list contains all the documents that have been signed in the last 30 days. If you need to find older signed documents, they can be easily found in the file cabinet with a search.