Audit reports

Audit reports give you full transparency of what is happening in your DocuWare system. Whether at document, file cabinet, organization or system level - with the appropriate permission, you can see, for example, who modified what configurations, or stored documents when. All audit reports can be downloaded in universal CSV format and used for evaluations in many programs. Audit reports help you to evaluate activities in DocuWare and demonstrate compliance with compliance guidelines.

Examples of events logged at each level, including date, time, and user:

Document: Store, index change with old and new value, display, print, annotate, etc.

File cabinet: New index fields, changes to search and store dialogs as well as result lists, new file cabinet profiles etc. Also all document events within the file cabinet.

Organization: New configurations and changes to existing configurations, user login and logout (disabled by default)

System: Changes to server settings, changes to schedules for automatic processes such as transfer, deletion policies, synchronization

Document audit reports are accessed directly in the Web Client; the other audit reports are created within DocuWare Configuration.

Document Audit Reports

You open the document audit report in Web Client via the context menu of the document, for example within the result list. The menu item is called History. In the dialog, switch to the Audit Report tab.

To be able to view audit reports, you need the file cabinet right Show document history for the file cabinet where the document is stored.

Logs for File Cabinet, Organization, and System

The audit report for the file cabinet, organization, and system is called up within DocuWare Configuration, in the General section.

On the overview page you will see the elements - system, organizations, and file cabinets - for which you have administrator rights. Click on the respective name to open the corresponding audit report.

Set the desired period for audit reports. You will receive a list of audit report entries. Position your mouse over the speech bubble at the end of a line to view information about the respective entry. The complete list including the details can be downloaded as a CSV file. The universal CSV format allows a variety of evaluation options.