User management

Users and user rights are managed within DocuWare Configuration. Create a new user with a personal document tray and the rights required for their tasks. The rights can be given to the user as usual through their membership of groups and roles and by the assignment of functions, function profiles, and file cabinet profiles. You can also specify the dialogs and stamps that the new user may use here. If the new colleague has registered via the automatically sent registration email, they can start immediately.

In addition to users, you also manage groups, roles, and function profiles here.

User Administration - Users

Below you will find an overview of the functions of User Administration within DocuWare Configuration.
Information about individual user configuration options can be obtained directly from within the software via the info icons.

Overview of users

  • Create new users
    The DocuWare user name must not contain any special characters such as "│" (ALT-179).

  • Unblock users blocked by failed login attempts

  • Send registration mail to the users

  • Delete users

  • Search and filter in the overview of users

Configuration of a user

  • Create user with name and email

  • Set the first password for the user or enable registration via registration mail

  • Automatically create a document tray for the user

  • Provide users with rights: via groups, roles, file cabinet profiles, function profiles or individual functions

  • Assign user dialogs and stamps

  • Modify user rights

  • Change password for users or send corresponding email to users

User Administration - Groups

Groups are sets of users and facilitate the assignment of rights. By belonging to a group, a user receives the rights assigned to the group. In turn, rights are assigned to groups through the assignment of roles.

Groups are essential when using user synchronization with directory services. Otherwise, you can only work with roles and assign them directly to the users.

The default group is "Public." The predefined users "Admin" and "Basic" are assigned to this group. This group also contains the role "Default Organization role."

For each group you define:

  • Name of the group

  • Members of the group

  • Roles for assigning rights to group members

More about the rights system in DocuWare

User Administration - Roles

Roles are bundles of function profiles, file cabinet profiles, and dialogs and facilitate the assignment of rights. With one or more roles, you can assign a user the complete range of rights and functions in DocuWare with just a few clicks.
Roles can be assigned directly to users as well as to groups.

By default, the roles "Organization Administrator" and "Default Organization role" are set; the latter contains the group "Public."

For each role you define:

  • Name of the role

  • Included function profiles

  • Included file cabinet profiles

  • Included file cabinet dialogs, i.e. search dialogs, store dialogs, result lists, lists, and folder views

  • Users and groups assigned to the role

More about the rights system in DocuWare

User Administration - Function Profiles

Function profiles are bundles of functional and administrative rights in DocuWare and facilitate the assignment of rights. In contrast to file cabinet profiles, function profiles do not refer to individual file cabinets, but apply generally.

Function profiles can be assigned both to users directly and to roles.

The function profile "Default Organization profile" is set by default. It contains the role "Default Organization role."

For each function profile you define:

  • Name of the function profile

  • Included rights to components of the configuration and administration of DocuWare

  • Users and roles assigned to the function profile

More about the rights system in DocuWare.

Restrict the function right View All Users

By default, the "view all users permission" is granted via the Default Organization Profile. This means that all DocuWare users in this profile can see which rights, profiles or roles are assigned to other users.

To assign the “view all users” permission only to specific users, disable View All Users in the Default Organization Profile and create a new profile that includes only the View All Users permission. Assign this custom profile to all relevant users.

Substitution Rule and Substitution List

With DocuWare Version 7.11 and later, substitution rules and substitution lists are created in DocuWare Configuration > User administration.

Substitution rule

A substitution rule enables a workflow task to be completed even if the owner of a task cannot be reached, e.g. because of vacation. In this case you specify in the substitution rule which employees should be assigned the task and in which order. If the actual owner is out of office, the task then goes to the first employee in the substitution rule. Should this employee also be on vacation, for instance, the task is forwarded to the second substitute, and so on.

To apply a substitution rule, either the administrator or the user themselves must enter the absence in the main menu of the DocuWare Client Profile & Settings > Out of office and also enter the absence of employees who are assigned tasks and/or are part of a substitution rule.

Substitution list

Several substitution rules are combined in a substitution list. A substitution list can, for example, consist of substitution rules for various cost centers. From a substitution list you can select in Workflow Designer all or several substitute rules for task assignment. A rule should therefore belong to at least one substitution list.

User Administration - licenses

Assign or withdraw a Named or Workflow license to the user. The remaining number of available licenses is also displayed. A maximum of one license can be assigned per user.