Overview service methods for the workflow activity web service :
Centralized Signature:
A document is send to Validated ID for signing with the type "centralized" of Validated ID.
Example: An employee is part of a signature process in the company. All documents for signing are collected in the Validated ID portal. Since the employee is logged into Validated ID, he can log into the signature portal at any time with his user name and password, check the documents and sign them with his secret PIN.AddNewDocumentMultiPositions
A document is sent to Validated ID so that it can be signed with the signature type "centralized" by one person in multiple locations.
The example is the same as in "AddNewDocument" with the difference that the signature image is placed at several positions in the document.AddNewClippedDocumentCentralized
Multiple files from a single DocuWare document are sent to Validated ID so that they can be signed with the signature type "remote" of Validated ID. The example is the same as in “AddNewDocument”, but in addition, multiple files can be specified.
Remote Signature
A document is sent to Validated ID for signing with the signature type "remote" of Validated ID.
Example: The signer provides the employee requesting the signature with their name, email address, and SMS-enabled phone number. The employee enters the data into the workflow form, requesting the signature from Validated ID. The signer receives an email with the link to the document and an SMS with a TAN, which he uses to sign the document.AddNewDocumentMultiRemote
A document is sent to Validated ID so that it can be signed with the signature type "remote" by multiple people.
The example is the same as in "AddNewDocumentRemote" with the difference that the signature image is placed at several positions in the document.AddNewDocumentMultiPositionsRemote
A document is sent to Validated ID so that it can be signed with the signature type "remote" by one person in multiple locations.
The example is the same as in "AddNewDocumentRemote", but in addition to the data of the signer, the positions of the requested signatures are also sent.AddNewClippedDocumentRemote
The example is the same as for "AddNewDocumentRemote", except that multiple document files can be specified for signing.
Biometric signature
A document is sent to Validated ID so that it can be signed with the signature type 'biometric" of Validated ID.
Example: The employee at the company reception verifies the identity of the signer. He confirms the identity from the signer and enters his name in the form of a workflow task. The information is sent to a tablet where the signer signs the document. In the process, biometric data such as the writing pressure is stored for possible later verification.AddNewDocumentMultiPositionsBiometric
A document is sent to Validated ID VIDsigner so that it can be signed with the signature type "biometric" by one person in multiple locations.
The example is the same as in "AddNewDocumentBiometric" with the difference that the signature image is placed at several positions in the document.AddNewClippedDocumentCentralized
Multiple files from a single DocuWare document are sent to Validated ID so that they can be signed with the signature type “biometric” of Validated ID. The example is the same as in “AddNewDocumentBiometric”, but in addition, multiple files can be specified.AddNewDocumentStamp
A document is sent to Validated ID for automatic signature. This confirms the authenticity of the document.
Example: Before a contract is sent to the customer, its authenticity is confirmed by an automatic signature. The handwritten signature of an employee is not required.DeleteUnsignedDocuments
Deletes a document already transmitted for signature.
Example: After sending the signature request, the employee realizes that he sent the wrong document. This allows the document to be withdrawn.
A document is sent to Validated ID for signing with the type "centralized" of Validated ID.
The parameters are mandatory. Exceptions are marked as optional.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
AnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
AnchorTextOccurrence (int) | Integer | Which occurrence of the anchor text should be used to be the starting location for placing the signature |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. | |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined. It will be deleted from the VIDsigner service and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document | |
PageNumber (int) | Integer | Page number within the file to start looking for the anchor text. | -1 indicates to look on the last page. If no anchor text is specified, it is the absolute page number |
PositionX (int) | Integer | Relative to the left side of the anchor text, this is the horizontal location of the signature image to be placed on the document (millimeters again). Positive numbers are to the right. Negative numbers are to the left. | |
PositionY (int) | Integer | Relative to the top of the anchor text, this is the vertical location of the signature image to be placed on the document (millimeters again). Positive numbers are down. Negative numbers are up. | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user signs it. |
RejectionReasonFieldName (string) optional | Text | Specifies an index field of type "Text" from the signed document. If Validated ID is configured to require a reason for rejection, the entered text will be inserted into this field. | |
SectionNumber (int) | Integer | Index of the section within the document to be signed. A section is one file in a clipped document consisting of multiple files. |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | This parameter is required when using the centralized signature. In most cases, it will be a passport number. When using this parameter for Biometric or Remote Signature, it is optional | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
SizeX (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the width of the signature image | |
SizeY (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the height of the signature image | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | This identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token (string) | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials. |
A document is sent to Validated ID for signing with the type "centralized" of Validated ID by a user in multiple locations. This is commonly used for contract use cases where there needs to be a signature near the end of a document but also positive affirmation of individual parts of the contract. It is configured with the same method of providing a delimited list of parameters.
NOTE: The order of the list must be consistent throughout all the parameters. In addition, they must each have the same number of values separated by the same delimiter.
The parameters are mandatory. Exceptions are marked as optional.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined. It will be deleted from the service and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | Provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document | |
MultiAnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
MultiAnchorTextOccurrence (string) | Text | A list of anchor text occurrences |
MultiPageNumber (string) | Text | A delimited list of page numbers where the signatures are located | |
MultiPositionX (string) | Text | A delimited list of X positions for signature placement | |
MultiPositionY (string) | Text | A delimited list of Y positions for signature placement | |
MultiSignatureCount (int) | Integer | This number is the number of locations on the documents that will require signature. It’s important that for all of the parameters that are lists (i.e. MultiPostionX, MultiAnchorText, etc) that each list has this many parameters listed and separated by the specified separator. | |
MultiSizeX (string) | Text | A list of widths for signatures being placed | |
MultiSizeY (string) | Text | A list of heights for signatures being placed | |
MultiValueSeparator (string) | Text | Tells the service how the list of signature locations will be separated. A common choice is a comma, a caret ^ or a pipe | | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user has signed it.. |
SectionNumber (int) | Integer | Index of the section within the document to be signed. A section is one file in a clipped document consisting of multiple files. |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | Some kind of ID for the signer. In most cases, it will be a passport number. | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token (string) | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials. |
Multiple files from a single DocuWare document are sent to Validated ID so that they can be signed with the signature type “Centralized” of Validated ID. The example is the same as in “AddNewDocument”, but in addition, multiple files can be specified. A batch is created. Once the entire batch is complete, the update in DocuWare occurs.
NOTE: The order of the list must be consistent throughout all the parameters. In addition, they must each have the same number of values separated by the same delimiter.
The parameters are mandatory. Exceptions are marked as optional.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
DateSignedFieldName (string) optional | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) optional | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered d"eclined. It will be deleted from the service and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | Provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document" | |
IncludeReport (Boolean) optional | Text | If this parameter is set to "True” a second PDF will be appended to the document after the signed document. This PDF has information regarding the signer and the digital certificate that was added to the document. |
Language optional | Text | Language to use in email | ca,nl,en,eu,fr,de,iw,pl,pt,es |
MultiAnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
MultiAnchorTextOccurrence (string) | Text | A list of anchor text occurrences |
MultiPageNumber (string) | Text | A delimited list of page numbers where the signatures are located | |
MultiPositionX (string) | Text | A delimited list of X positions for signature placement | |
MultiPositionY (string) | Text | A delimited list of Y positions for signature placement | |
MultiSectionCount (int) | Integer | The number of sections to be signed | |
MultiSectionNumber (string) | Text | List of the section numbers to be signed | |
MultiSizeX (string) | Text | A list of widths for signatures being placed | |
MultiSizeY (string) | Text | A list of heights for signatures being placed | |
MultiValueSeparator (string) | Text | Tells the service how the list of signature locations will be separated. A common choice is a comma, a caret ^ or a pipe | | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user has signed it.. |
RejectionReasonFieldName (string) | Text | Specifies an index field on the document that must be a text field. When the user declines to sign the document, the VidSigner application will ask them to provide a reason. If they decline to sign and enter a reason, the text they enter will be placed in this field. | |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | Some kind of ID for the signer. In most cases, it will be a passport number. | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token (string) | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials. |
A document is sent to Validated ID for signing with the signature type "remote" of Validated ID.
The parameters are mandatory. Exceptions are marked as optional.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
AnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
AnchorTextOccurrence (int) | Integer | Which occurrence of the anchor text should be used to be the starting location for placing the signature |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. | |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined. It will be deleted from the VIDsigner service and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
EmailLanguage (string) | Text | Language that the email will be displayed in as well as the page where the signing process occurs. If this value is left empty, it will set default to en (English). | br, ca, de, en, es, eu, fi, fr, gl, hu, it, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, zh |
EmailMessage (string) | Text | Text that is displayed in the contents of the email | |
EmailSubject (string) | Text | Subject of the email | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document | |
IncludeReport (Boolean) optional | Text | If this parameter is set to “True” a second PDF will be appended to the document after the signed document. This PDF has information regarding the signer and the digital certificate that was added to the document. |
IssuerName (string) | Text | Display name used for the sender of the email and in the contents of the email message. If this value is left empty, it will default to the organization name. | |
PageNumber (int) | Integer | Page number within the file to start looking for the anchor text. | -1 indicates to look on the last page. If no anchor text is specified, it is the absolute page number |
PositionX (int) | Integer | Relative to the left side of the anchor text, this is the horizontal location of the signature image to be placed on the document (millimeters again). Positive numbers are to the right. Negative numbers are to the left. | |
PositionY (int) | Integer | Relative to the top of the anchor text, this is the vertical location of the signature image to be placed on the document (millimeters again). Positive numbers are down. Negative numbers are up. | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user signs it. |
RecipientMayProvideNumber (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the phone number is optional and the user can enter the phone number to send the SMS to at the time of signing. |
RejectionReasonFieldName (string) optional | Text | Specifies an index field of type "Text" from the signed document. If Validated ID is configured to require a reason for rejection, the entered text will be inserted into this field. | |
ReminderFrequencyHours (int) | Integer | A reminder can be sent to the signer to sign the document if it remains unsigned. This value will determine how often the reminder will be sent. | |
ReminderMaxRetries (int) | Integer | This value determines how many times a signer will be reminded if a document remains unsigned. | |
SectionNumber (int) | Integer | Index of the section within the document to be signed. A section is one file in a clipped document consisting of multiple files. |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | This parameter is required when using the centralized signature product. In most cases, it will be a passport number. When using this parameter for Biometric or Remote Signature, it is optional. | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
SignerPhoneNumber (string) | Text | Phone number used for two-factor authentication (use international phone number format, ex. +18455639045) during the signing process. | |
SizeX (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the width of the signature image | |
SizeY (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the height of the signature image | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | This identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token (string) | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials. |
Used to send a document to multiple signers through Validated ID for remote signature. Each signer can sign in one different location.
The information about the signers and the signing positions in the document are in a delimited list and separated by a value that is specified using a parameter. The examples below will show the use of a comma.
The order of the list must be consistent throughout all the parameters. In addition, they must each have the same number of values separated by the same delimiter. The file cabinet is updated after all signatures are obtained.
The parameters are mandatory. Exceptions are marked as optional.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
AnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
AnchorTextOccurrence (int) | Integer | Which occurrence of the anchor text should be used to be the starting location for placing the signature |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user.It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. | |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined. It will be deleted from the and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
EmailLanguage (string) | Text | Language that the email will be displayed in as well as the page where the signing process occurs. If this value is left empty, it will set default to en (English). | br, ca, de, en, es, eu, fi, fr, gl, hu, it, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, zh |
EmailMessage (string) | Text | Text that is displayed in the contents of the email | |
EmailSubject (string) | Text | Subject of the email | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document | |
IncludeReport (Boolean) optional | Text | If this parameter is set to “True” a second PDF will be appended to the document after the signed document. This PDF has information regarding the signer and the digital certificate that was added to the document. |
IssuerName (string) | Text | Display name used for the sender of the email and in the contents of the email message. If this value is left empty, it will default to the organization name. | |
MultiAnchorText (string) | Text | Anchor texts for the multiple signing locations. | |
MultiAnchorTextOccurrence (string) | Text | A list of anchor text occurences. See “AnchorTextOccurrence (int)” | |
MultiPageNumber (string) | Text | A delimited list of page numbers where signatures are located | |
MultiPositionX (string) | Text | List of X positions for signature placement. | |
MultiPositionY (string) | Text | List of Y positions for signature placement | |
MultiSignerCount (int) | Text | Number of signatures being requested | |
MultiSignerEmail (string) | Text | Email addresses for the signers. | |
MultiSignerID (string) optional | Text | This parameter holds the signer ID’s for the signers. | |
MultiSignerName (string) | Text | Names of the signers of the document. Example: “Peter Sanders,Brian Florent” | |
MultiSignerPhoneNumber (string) | Text | A delimited list of phone numbers that can be used for SMS verification. | |
MultiSizeX (string) | Text | List of widths for signatures to be placed | |
MultiSizeY (string) | Text | List of heights for signatures to be placed | |
MultiValueSeparator (string) | Text | This parameter is required and tells the service how the list of signers and their information will be separated. A common choice is a comma, a caret ^ or a pipe | | |
OrderedSignature (boolean) | Text | When true, the signatures will be requested in the order that they are specified in the above fields. The first signer will receive an email, can sign and then the second signer will be sent an email and may sign, and so on. |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user signs it. |
RecipientMayProvideNumber (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the phone number is optional and the user can enter the phone number to send the SMS to at the time of signing. |
RejectionReasonFieldName (string) optional | Text | Specifies an index field of type "Text" from the signed document. If Validated ID is configured to require a reason for rejection, the entered text will be inserted into this field. | |
ReminderFrequencyHours (int) | Integer | A reminder can be sent to the signer to sign the document if it remains unsigned. This value will determine how often the reminder will be sent. | |
ReminderMaxRetries (int) | Integer | This value determines how many times a signer will be reminded if a document remains unsigned. | |
SectionNumber (int) | Integer | Index of the section within the document to be signed. A section is one file in a clipped document consisting of multiple files. |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | This identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token (string) | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials. |
Used to send a document to Validated ID for signature by a user in multiple locations. This is commonly used for contract use cases where there needs to be a signature near the end of a document but also positive affirmation of individual parts of the contract.
It is configured with the same method of providing a delimited list of parameters. The order of the list must be consistent throughout all the parameters. In addition, they must each have the same number of values separated by the same delimiter.
The parameters are mandatory. Exceptions are marked as optional.
In the examples in the table, the comma is used as a separator (see the MultiValueSeparator parameter).
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
AnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
AnchorTextOccurrence (int) | Integer | Which occurrence of the anchor text should be used to be the starting location for placing the signature |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. | |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined. It will be deleted from the VIDsigner service and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
EmailLanguage (string) | Text | Language that the email will be displayed in as well as the page where the signing process occurs. If this value is left empty, it will set default to en (English). | br, ca, de, en, es, eu, fi, fr, gl, hu, it, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, zh, zh |
EmailMessage (string) | Text | Text that is displayed in the contents of the email | |
EmailSubject (string) | Text | Subject of the email | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document | |
IncludeReport (Boolean) optional | Text | If this parameter is set to “True” a second PDF will be appended to the document after the signed document. This PDF has information regarding the signer and the digital certificate that was added to the document. |
IssuerName (string) | Text | Display name used for the sender of the email and in the contents of the email message. If this value is left empty, it will default to the organization name. | |
MultiAnchorText (string) | Text | Anchor texts for the multiple signing locations | |
MultiAnchorTextOccurrence (string) | Text | A list of anchor text occurences | |
MultiPageNumber (string) | Text | A delimited list of page numbers where signatures are located | |
MultiPositionX (string) | Text | List of X positions for signature placement. | |
MultiPositionY (string) | Text | List of Y positions for signature placement | |
MultiSignatureCount (int) | Number of signatures being requested | ||
MultiSizeX (string) | Text | List of widths for signatures to be placed | |
MultiSizeY (string) | Text | List of heights for signatures to be placed | |
MultiValueSeparator (string) | Text | This parameter is required and tells the service how the list of signers and their information will be separated. A common choice is a comma, a caret ^ or a pipe | | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user signs it. |
RecipientMayProvideNumber (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the phone number is optional and the user can enter the phone number to send the SMS to at the time of signing. |
RejectionReasonFieldName (string) optional | Text | Specifies an index field of type "Text" from the signed document. If Validated ID is configured to require a reason for rejection, the entered text will be inserted into this field. | |
ReminderFrequencyHours (int) | Integer | A reminder can be sent to the signer to sign the document if it remains unsigned. This value will determine how often the reminder will be sent. | |
ReminderMaxRetries (int) | Integer | This value determines how many times a signer will be reminded if a document remains unsigned. | |
SectionNumber (int) | Integer | Index of the section within the document to be signed. A section is one file in a clipped document consisting of multiple files. |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | This parameter is required when using the centralized signature product. In most cases, it will be a passport number. When using this parameter for Biometric or Remote Signature, it is optional. | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
SignerPhoneNumber (string) | Text | Phone number used for two-factor authentication (use international phone number format, ex. +18455639045) during the signing process. | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | This identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token (string) | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials. |
Multiple files from a single DocuWare document are sent to Validated ID so that they can be signed with the signature type “remote” of Validated ID. The example is the same as in AddNewDocumentRemote, but in addition, multiple files can be specified. A batch is created and when signing, only a single One Time Password (OTP) is required to sign all the files. Once the entire batch is complete, the update in DocuWare occurs. except that multiple document files can be specified for signing.
The parameters are mandatory. Exceptions are marked as optional.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. | |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined. It will be deleted from the VIDsigner service and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
EmailLanguage (string) | Text | Language that the email will be displayed in as well as the page where the signing process occurs. If this value is left empty, it will set default to en (English). | br, ca, de, en, es, eu, fi, fr, gl, hu, it, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, zh, zh |
EmailMessage (string) | Text | Text that is displayed in the contents of the email | |
EmailSubject (string) | Text | Subject of the email | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document | |
IncludeReport (Boolean) optional | Text | If this parameter is set to “True” a second PDF will be appended to the document after the signed document. This PDF has information regarding the signer and the digital certificate that was added to the document. |
IssuerName (string) | Text | Display name used for the sender of the email and in the contents of the email message. If this value is left empty, it will default to the organization name. | |
MultiAnchorText (string) | Text | Anchor texts for the multiple signing locations | |
MultiAnchorTextOccurrence (string) | Text | A list of anchor text occurences | |
MultiPageNumber (string) | Text | A delimited list of page numbers where signatures are located | |
MultiPositionX (string) | Text | List of X positions for signature placement. | |
MultiPositionY (string) | Text | List of Y positions for signature placement | |
MultiSectionCount (int) | Integer | Number of files (sections) to be signed | |
MultiSectionNumber (string) | Text | List of the file (section) indexes to be signed |
MultiSizeX (string) | Text | List of widths for signatures to be placed | |
MultiSizeY (string) | Text | List of heights for signatures to be placed | |
MultiValueSeparator (string) | Text | This parameter is required and tells the service how the list of signers and their information will be separated. A common choice is a comma, a caret ^ or a pipe | | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user signs it. |
RecipientMayProvideNumber (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the phone number is optional and the user can enter the phone number to send the SMS to at the time of signing. |
RejectionReasonFieldName (string) optional | Text | Specifies an index field of type "Text" from the signed document. If Validated ID is configured to require a reason for rejection, the entered text will be inserted into this field. | |
ReminderFrequencyHours (int) | Integer | A reminder can be sent to the signer to sign the document if it remains unsigned. This value will determine how often the reminder will be sent. | |
ReminderMaxRetries (int) | Integer | This value determines how many times a signer will be reminded if a document remains unsigned. | |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | This parameter is required when using the centralized signature product. In most cases, it will be a passport number. When using this parameter for Biometric or Remote Signature, it is optional. | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
SignerPhoneNumber (string) | Text | Phone number used for two-factor authentication (use international phone number format, ex. +18455639045) during the signing process. | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | This identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token (string) | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials. |
A document is sent to Validated ID so that it can be signed with the signature type "biometric" of Validated ID.
Example: The employee at the company reception verifies the identity of the signer. He confirms the identity from the signer and enters his name in the form of a workflow task. This information is sent to a tablet where the signer signs the document. In the process, biometric data such as the writing pressure is stored for later verifications.
The parameter are mandatory.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
AnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
AnchorTextOccurrence (int) | Integer | Which occurrence of the anchor text should be used to be the starting location for placing the signature |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. | |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined. It will be deleted from the VIDsigner service and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DeviceName (string) | Text | Name of the device that will be used to sign the document. The name of the device is shown in Validated ID. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document | |
Language | Text | Language used in the app on the mobile device | ca, de, en, es, eu, fr, it, iw, nl, pl, pt |
PageNumber (int) | Integer | Page number within the file to start looking for the anchor text. | -1 indicates to look on the last page. If no anchor text is specified, it is the absolute page number |
PositionX (int) | Integer | Relative to the left side of the anchor text, this is the horizontal location of the signature image to be placed on the document (millimeters again). Positive numbers are to the right. Negative numbers are to the left. | |
PositionY (int) | Integer | Relative to the top of the anchor text, this is the vertical location of the signature image to be placed on the document (millimeters again). Positive numbers are down. Negative numbers are up. | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user signs it. |
SectionNumber (int) | Integer | Index of the section within the document to be signed. A section is one file in a clipped document consisting of multiple files. |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | This parameter is required when using the centralized signature. In most cases, it will be a passport number. When using this parameter for Biometric or Remote Signature, it is optional | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
SizeX (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the width of the signature image | |
SizeY (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the height of the signature image | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | This identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials |
A document is sent to Validated ID so that it can be signed with the signature type "biometric" of Validated ID in multiple locations. This is often used for contract use cases where a signature is required at the end of a document, but also where individual parts of the contract need to be affirmed.
Example: The employee at the company reception verifies and confirms the identity of the signatory. The employee enters the signatory's name in the form of a workflow task. The information is sent to a tablet where the signatory signs the document. In the process, biometric data such as the writing pressure is stored for possible later verification.
It is configured with the same method of providing a delimited list of parameters. The order of the list must be consistent throughout all the parameters. In addition, they must each have the same number of values separated by the same delimiter.
The parameter are mandatory. Exceptions are marked as optional.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
AnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
AnchorTextOccurrence (int) | Integer | Which occurrence of the anchor text should be used to be the starting location for placing the signature |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. | |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined. It will be deleted from the VIDsigner service and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DeviceName (string) | Text | Name of the device that will be used to sign the document. The name of the device is shown in Validated ID. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user in VIDsigner. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the documentt | |
Language | Text | Language used in the app on the mobile device | ca, de, en, es, eu, fr, it, iw, nl, pl, pt |
MultiAnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
MultiAnchorTextOccurrence (string) | Text | A list of anchor text occurrences |
MultiPageNumber (string) | Text | A delimited list of page numbers where the signatures are located | |
MultiPositionX (string) | Text | A delimited list of X positions for signature placement | |
MultiPositionY (string) | Text | A delimited list of Y positions for signature placement | |
MultiSignatureCount (int) | Integer | This number is the number of locations on the documents that will require signature. It’s important that for all of the parameters that are lists (i.e. MultiPostionX, MultiAnchorText, etc) that each list has this many parameters listed and separated by the specified separator. | |
MultiSizeX (string) | Text | List of widths for signatures to be placed | |
MultiSizeY (string) | Text | List of heights for signatures to be placed | |
MultiValueSeparator (string) | Text | This parameter is required and tells the service how the list of signers and their information will be separated. A common choice is a comma, a caret ^ or a pipe | | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user signs it. |
SectionNumber (int) | Integer | Index of the section within the document to be signed. A section is one file in a clipped document consisting of multiple files. |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | This parameter is required when using the centralized signature product from VIDsigner. In most cases, it will be a passport number. When using this parameter for Biometric or Remote Signature, it is optional | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
SizeX (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the width of the signature image | |
SizeY (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the hieght of the signature image | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | This identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials |
Multiple files from a single DocuWare document are sent to Validated ID so that they can be signed with the signature type “biometric” of Validated ID. The example is the same as in “AddNewDocumentBiometric”, but in addition, multiple files can be specified. Once the entire batch is signed or rejected, the update in DocuWare occurs.
The parameter are mandatory. Exceptions are marked as optional.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. | |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined. It will be deleted from the VIDsigner service and the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DeviceName (string) | Text | Name of the device that will be used to sign the document. The name of the device is shown in Validated ID. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user in VIDsigner. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the documentt | |
Language | Text | Language used in the app on the mobile device | ca, de, en, es, eu, fr, it, iw, nl, pl, pt |
MultiAnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
MultiAnchorTextOccurrence (string) | Text | A list of anchor text occurrences |
MultiPageNumber (string) | Text | A delimited list of page numbers where the signatures are located | |
MultiPositionX (string) | Text | A delimited list of X positions for signature placement | |
MultiPositionY (string) | Text | A delimited list of Y positions for signature placement | |
MultiSectionNumber (string) | Integer | List of the section numbers to be signed | |
MultiSizeX (string) | Text | List of widths for signatures to be placed | |
MultiSizeY (string) | Text | List of heights for signatures to be placed | |
MultiValueSeparator (string) | Text | This parameter is required and tells the service how the list of signers and their information will be separated. A common choice is a comma, a caret ^ or a pipe | | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user signs it. |
RecipientMayProvideNumber (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the phone number is optional and the user can enter the phone number to send the SMS to at the time of signing. |
RejectionReasonFieldName (string) optional | Text | Specifies an index field of type "Text" from the signed document. If Validated ID is configured to require a reason for rejection, the entered text will be inserted into this field. | |
ReminderFrequencyHours (int) | Integer | A reminder can be sent to the signer to sign the document if it remains unsigned. This value will determine how often the reminder will be sent. | |
ReminderMaxRetries (int) | Integer | This value determines how many times a signer will be reminded if a document remains unsigned. | |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | This parameter is required when using the centralized signature product from VIDsigner. In most cases, it will be a passport number. When using this parameter for Biometric or Remote Signature, it is optional | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | This identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials |
This method is used to certify the contents of a document with a signature applied before sending the document to a user. It requires the customer to set up a special certificate with Validated ID so that the document can be signed automatically without a user deciding to sign.
The parameters are mandatory.
Parameter | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
AnchorText (string) | Text | This is the piece of text the service can look for on the document. If specified and not found, an error will occur. If not specified, then the subsequent location information will be absolute, rather than relative to finding a piece of text. | |
AnchorTextOccurrence (int) | Integer | Which occurrence of the anchor text should be used to be the starting location for placing the signature |
CertificateGUI (string) | Text | A GUID that represents the certificate for the customer’s organization. This value is provided by Validated ID | |
CertificatePin (string) | Text | A pin is provided by Validated ID to the customer. It must be provided here to allow the document to be signed. | |
DateSignedFieldName (string) | Text | Identifies a file cabinet field on the document that will be updated with the date the document was signed by the user. It can be a text, date or datetime field. Date is provided in UTC, if the field is a text field, the date will be displayed in UTC, if the field is a date or datetime field, DocuWare will display the date in the local format and time zone. | |
DaysBeforeExpiration (int) | Integer | If the value provided is greater than 0, there will be a time limit of this number of days before the document expires. If the time limit is passed, the document will be considered declined nd the signer will no longer be able to sign it. | |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
FailureStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides a value to be set in the above field when a document is rejected by the user. | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document | |
PageNumber (int) | Integer | Page number within the file to start looking for the anchor text. | -1 indicates to look on the last page. If no anchor text is specified, it is the absolute page number |
PositionX (int) | Integer | Relative to the left side of the anchor text, this is the horizontal location of the signature image to be placed on the document (millimeters again). Positive numbers are to the right. Negative numbers are to the left. | |
PositionY (int) | Integer | Relative to the top of the anchor text, this is the vertical location of the signature image to be placed on the document (millimeters again). Positive numbers are down. Negative numbers are up. | |
PostSigningAction (string) | Text | This specifies what is to be done with the signed document after the user signs it. |
SectionNumber (int) | Integer | Index of the section within the document to be signed. A section is one file in a clipped document consisting of multiple files. |
SendSignedDocument (Boolean) | Text | When set to true, the signer will receive an email with a signed version of the document |
SignerEmail (string) | Text | Email address of the signer of the document | |
SignerID (string) | Text | This parameter is required when using the centralized signature. In most cases, it will be a passport number. When using this parameter for Biometric or Remote Signature, it is optional | |
SignerName (string) | Text | Name of the person signing the document | |
SizeX (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the width of the signature image | |
SizeY (int) | Integer | Size in millimeters of the height of the signature image | |
StatusFieldName (string) | Text | This identifies an index field of the document that will be updated when a document is signed or rejected by the user. | |
SuccessStatusValue (string) | Text | This provides the value to be set in the above field when a document is signed. | |
Token (string) | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials. |
Deletes a document already transmitted for signature. After sending the signature request, the employee realizes that he sent the wrong document. This allows the document to be withdrawn.
The parameters are mandatory.
Parameter name | Workflow variable type | Description | Values |
DocId (int) | Integer | ID of the document to be signed | |
FileCabinetId (string) | Text | GUID of the file cabinet with the document | |
Token (string) | Text | Token received in the registration step that identifies the customer organization and provides user credentials. |
What happens after the document is signed or rejected?
After the document is signed or rejected, Validated ID notifies the DocuWare Signature Service..
If the document is signed, DocuWare Signature Service downloads the document from Validated ID. The parameter “PostSigningAction” determines how the document is handled – clip it before or after the original document or replace it with the new file. DocuWare Signature Service sets the field specified by StatusFieldName with the SuccessStatusValue. The workflow can use this status to continue. .
If the document is rejected, DocuWare Signature Service sets the value of the field specified by StatusFieldName to the FailedStatusValue. The workflow can use this status to continue.
The signature service then removes the document from Validated ID.