In this module, you can see all the select lists of your organization at a glance.
Configure In the "Select Lists" module select lists based on data sources outside of DocuWare. This is also possible if no file cabinet has been created. In the file cabinet administration, you can not only create new select lists, but also assign fields from store dialogs and result lists.
Select lists can be used in storage dialogs and result lists as well as in forms. The assignment of the select lists to the dialog and form fields takes place in the archive configuration or in the form designer.
Preliminary settings
In order to see the select lists section in DocuWare Configuration, users need the functional right "Configure select lists," which is assigned in DocuWare Configuration under user management area. This allows users to create, change, and delete select lists.
With the right "Edit Fixed Select Lists" a link from the store dialog to the DocuWare Configuration is displayed to the user so that they can edit a fixed select list directly. However, the user cannot create or delete a select list with this right.
Configuring select lists
Here you can see all the select lists of your organization at a glance.
There are three types of select lists: internal, fixed, and external.
Internal select lists are made available by DocuWare. Default select lists are based on the previous entries in a field. Internal select lists can also be based on other databases stored in the DocuWare system, such as users, roles, groups, or substitution rules.
Fixed and external select lists are based on data from sources outside DocuWare. Sources can be databases or simple text files.
A fixed select list is imported once into DocuWare and stored. It can be quickly accessed.
External select lists are retrieved with each entry to the field. The advantage is that the status of the external select list is always the same as the source.
A select list can be a single-column or multi-column type of table. The table type decides whether a select list can be filtered or not.
Single-column select lists cannot be filtered; the default select list is an exception.
Multi-column select lists can be filtered. This means that the select list for the field shows entries depending on entries in other dialog fields.
Note that a select list must be assigned to a dialog field to be available in the Web Client.
Creating a new select list
Create a new select list from an external data source in two steps:
Define the select list mode
Fixed and external select lists are both based on external data sources.
A fixed select list is imported once and made available by DocuWare without accessing the external data source again. This has the advantage that the list can be accessed in the DocuWare Client very quickly.
You can also enter a fixed select list directly in this dialog window. Click on the plus symbol below.
Alternatively, DocuWare can access an external data source, in order to provide the entries dynamically. The select list from the data source is opened with every access. The list always has the same status as the data source.
Fixed and external select lists can be filtered.
Selecting a data source
You can provide the data for a select list for DocuWare in a number of ways. The Source list shows the file connections of your organization, as well as the database connections for on-premise installations. Alternatively, you can also import a file that is saved locally.
Importing local files
You can import fixed select lists as a file from a local computer. For a single-column table please use a TXT-file, for a multi-column table a UTF8-coded CSV-file with semicolon as separator.
Note for administrators: Excel uses the default list separator in Windows. The separator is language-dependent. An English Windows uses the comma separator but a lot of languages like German or French use the semicolon. So if you store a CSV with Excel in an English Windows change the separator to semicolon first (with Windows 7: Control Panel > Clock, Region, and Language > Region and Language > Formats > Additional settings > List separator). Otherwise the import of more than one column will not work.
File connection x
Among other things, the parameters for a file and a storage location are defined in a file connection. If a file connection is set up for the select list, DocuWare can access the storage location and load the specified file.
A file connection is created in DocuWare Administration under Organization > Organization x > General.
More information about file connections
Database connection x
DocuWare directly accesses the database of a CRM, for example. DocuWare supports MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and ODBC as database types.
When DocuWare Cloud customers connect external sources via a database connection, the data can be filtered before it is transferred to DocuWare. To do this, select at least one database field and enter a value for the filtering, such as "Delivered" for the status. Apart from the system variables, there are no predefined index entries available yet. Enter the filter criteria manually. Click Update to preview the filtered records.
Create a database connection in DocuWare Administration under System > Database Connections.
More information about database connections
Note: Access to database connections is not possible in DocuWare Cloud for security reasons. Cloud users should connect external select lists via the file connection.
So that the select list can be filtered, it must exist as multi-column table. Information on how to import and filter a multi-column select list can be found here
File cabinet
Select a file cabinet directly as the source for a selection list. This is possible for DocuWare Cloud customers as well as on-premises installations.
Application example: Supplier master data is entered and maintained in a file cabinet. The company names are available in the supplier selection list in the invoice archive.
Importing and Filtering a Multi-Column Select List
Multi-column select lists are the basis for dependent filtering of select lists of multiple fields. A filtered select list shows only the select options for a field that match an already selected value in another field.
Here is an example: The user enters the name "Peters Engineering" in the "Company" field and switches to the "Contact" field. DocuWare now aligns the select list for the "Contact" field with the "Company" field and displays only those entries that match the company "Peters Engineering".
In order that the select lists of several fields are filtered depending on each other, they must be present as columns of a table. This is where the term "multi-column selection list" comes from.
Dependent filtering in select lists is possible in forms and store dialogs. The following example shows how a multi-column selection list can be imported and used for filtering.
1. Create a table for a select list
So that an external select list can be filtered, it must be based on a multi-column table or list in semicolon separated CSV format with UTF-8-Coding. Or use a file or database connection to import the select list.
The following example is based on a simple CSV file. The table includes five datasets that each comprise the columns "Company," "Customer ID," "Project ID," and "Contact." These columns can then later be assigned to the fields of a web form (step 3) or store dialog (step 4).
2. Import a table for a select list
Import this table as a fixed select list in the "Select Lists" module.
This stores the table contents, both as columns ("Company", "Customer ID", etc.) and as data records (e.g. Peters Engineering, 12345, 54321, Peggy Jenkins, etc.).
3. Use multi-column select list in a web form
To configure dependent filtering in a web form, go to the Forms > Designer area in DocuWare Configuration.
In Designer, drag a drop-down field into to the middle and in the field settings, select Select List as the source, then select a multi-column list and specifiy one column. The values of this column are stored as input options for the first drop-down field. In this example this is "Company."
If required, the select list can be called up directly from the desginer with the pencil icon, for example to make changes to the list.
The next drop-down field is assigned to the second table column Customer ID. Assign the Company field as a filter. This will display only those customer IDs that are in the same rows as "Peters Engineering" in the table.
The other fields are mapped to the columns of the select list in the same way.
With the option Autofill Single Value, if a single value is left in a table column, it will be automatically inserted into the linked field. So in this example, if Flying Tom is inserted as a company, the customer ID 34567, the project ID and the name Thomas Rain would follow automatically.
Click here for more Information about DocuWare Forms
4. Link select list with a field of a store dialog
In the file cabinet module, first access the desired store dialog and open the dialog field for which you want to set up the select list. Here, this is the default store dialog, as well as the field "Contact."
In the field properties you then enable the select list that you have imported, here "Demo table."
Now specify the column of the table whose entries should be used for the select list of the "Contact" field – "Contact."
Configure filter
The user should only be able to select contacts depending on the Company field and the Project field. The following conditions are required:
1. Condition: Select "Company" as the data source column and the field "Company" under "Dialog field entries."
2. Condition: Now link the "Project ID" column with the "Project" field.
Filtering in the Web Client
It is assumed that the user wants to store a document with the default store dialog. They enter "Peters Engineering" into the "Company" field and switch to the "Contact" field. DocuWare then adjusts the entries in the "Contact" column in the demo table to correspond to the "Company" column. Only those contacts in whose dataset "Peters Engineering" is entered as Company are shown in the select list. In this example, they are "Peggy Jenkins," "Brian Ford," and "Peter Sales."
If the project ID "54321" is also entered, DocuWare finds the contacts for which both conditions "Peters Engineering" and project ID "54321" apply. Here, this is the case for "Peggy Jenkins."