The DocuWare iPaaS connector provides a set of important DocuWare functions. On Power Automate, features like store to file cabinet or to inbox, stamps, searching etc. can be put together in various scenarios.
For example, an external application such as Microsoft One Drive is used to store files from another program. These files are to be automatically stored in DocuWare. The corresponding scenario regularly checks whether new files have been added and automatically imports them into a file cabinet and provides them with index data.
To use integrations via Power Automate, you need access to a DocuWare Cloud organization.
You need a premium license for Microsoft Power Automate, the DocuWare connector on the platform is available for free. On the DocuWare side, no special additional license is required, just a DocuWare client license to log in to DocuWare.
Transactions are billed directly via Power Automate. Different license models are available.
Make sure that the user who generates the API key has the appropriate rights in DocuWare. The required permissions may vary depending on the process to be carried out in Power Automate.
Connect DocuWare and Power Automate
To connect DocuWare and Power Automate create an API key and use this key in Power Automate to create a connection to DocuWare.
This connection will then be available in the DocuWare Power Automate connector.
Create an API key in DocuWare
Log into your DocuWare account that you want to use with Power Automate.
In DocuWare Web Client, head to the main menu and select Configurations.
In DocuWare Configurations, go to Integrations section and click on Power Automate API Keys.
If you do not see the Power Automate API Keys icon, the DocuWare user you are actually working with, does not have sufficient permissions. In this case, contact your DocuWare administrator.
Click Create API Key.
Fill in Name and - optionally - Description.
Click Create.
The creation of the key may take a short time.
Be sure to save your API key. If you lose this key, you will need to create another one.
Add DocuWare API key in Power Automate
Log in to Power Automate.
Create a new flow or open up an existing flow.
Add an activity from the DocuWare Power Automate connector to your flow.
Click + New Step.
When prompted to Choose an operation, select All from the category selection, and then type “DocuWare” in the search field.
Select the DocuWare connector and then choose an action from the list.
When the selected action is added to the flow, you will be prompted to create a new connection.
Enter a connection name and the API key that you received from DocuWare (see above)
Click Create.
All activities that are added in the DocuWare connector will now use this connection.
Create additional connections by clicking on the "..." in the top right corner of an activity, and then clicking + Add new connection at the bottom of the menu that pops up.
DocuWare actions on Power Automate
Store to DocuWare
Import to document tray
Fields | Description |
*Document tray | The drop down lists all available document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target document tray. |
Store dialog | Specify a store dialog to pre-index the document. A drop down lists all available store dialogs from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target store dialogs. If this value is left blank, the default store dialog for the file cabinet associated with the selected store dialogs will be used. |
Index data | Specify index data for the uploaded document. This is used with the selected store dialog. The index fields must be in JSON format.
If any of the provided index fields are not available in the specified store dialog, they will be ignored. |
File Contents | The contents of the file that you wish to upload. Note that if this value is provided, you must also provide the file name (as referenced below). |
File Contents (file name) | The name of the file that you wish to upload. This is the name of the file as DocuWare sees it and can be different than the name of the original file. |
Store to file cabinet
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
*File cabinet | A drop down lists all available file cabinets from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet. |
Store dialog | Specify a store dialog to pre-index the document. A drop down lists all available store dialogs from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target store dialogs. If this value is left blank, the default store dialog for the file cabinet associated with the selected store dialogs will be used. |
Index data | Specify index data for the uploaded document. This is used with the selected store dialog. The index fields must be in JSON format.
If any of the provided index fields are not available in the specified store dialog, they will be ignored. |
File contents | The contents of the file that you wish to upload. Note that if this value is provided, you must also provide the file name (as referenced below). |
File contents (file name) | The name of the file that you wish to upload. This is the name of the file as DocuWare sees it and can be different than the name of the original file. |
Get from DocuWare
Download a document
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that contains the document you wish to download. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
* Document ID | Provide the ID of the document that you wish to download. |
* File number | Specify the file number of the file you want to download. |
* Document format | This indicates the format that the document should be downloaded in. Options:
Download a file
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that contains the document you wish to download. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
* Document ID | Provide the ID of the document that you wish to download. |
* Document format | This indicates the format that the document should be downloaded in. Options:
Get document information
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that contains the document you wish to download. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
* Document ID | Provide the ID of the document that you wish to download. |
Get dialog fields
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
*File cabinet | Select a file cabinet to upload a document. A drop down lists all available file cabinets from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet. |
*Dialog | Select the dialog that you want to retrieve the fields for. A drop down lists all available dialogs from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target store dialogs. If this value is left blank, the default store dialog for the file cabinet associated with the selected store dialogs will be used. |
Get dialogs
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that contains the document you wish to download. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
Dialog type | If left blank or set to All, this will return all dialogs. If filled in with one of the following values (case insensitive), this will return the dialogs of that type. Options are Store, Result, Index, List, Folders |
Get file cabinet fields
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet | Select a file cabinet to upload a document. A drop down lists all available file cabinets from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet. |
Field Type | Select the type of fields to return. Options are User and System. If this is left empty, then both User and System fields will be returned. |
Get file cabinets and document trays
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
Field type | If left blank or set to All, this will return all file cabinets and document trays. If filled in with one of the following values (case insensitive), this will return file cabinets or document trays. Options:
Get organization: This action does not need any input and returns only the organization name as output. This is mainly useful as a test action.
Get stamp fields
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that you want to retrieve the associated stamps from. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
*Stamp | Select a stamp to retrieve the associated fields. A drop down list will be populated with all available stamps associated with the selected file cabinet or document tray. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the stamp for which you want to retrieve the associated fields. |
Get stamp
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that you want to retrieve the associated stamps from. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
Search for documents
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet | Select a file cabinet that contains the documents you wish to search for. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
* Search dialog | This is the search dialog you want to use for searching the selected file cabinet. It will be populated with a list of all search dialogs associated with the selected file cabinet. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the specified search dialog. |
* Search query | A search query is provided in JSON format.
A keyword search can contain anywhere from one to many values, with each one separated by an AND/OR modifier. Note that all searches use AND when evaluating all of the specified index fields. To search using full text, use the field name ‘DocuWareFulltext’. |
Altering documents
Append a file
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that contains the document you wish to append to. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
* Document ID | Provide the ID of the document that you wish to download. |
File contents | The contents of the file that you wish to append. Note that if this value is provided, you must also provide the file name (as referenced below). |
File contents (file name) | The name of the file that you wish to upload. This is the name of the file as DocuWare sees it and can be different than the name of the original file. |
Delete a document
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
*File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that contains the document you wish to delete. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
*Document ID | Provide the ID of the document that you wish to download. |
Delete a file
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
*File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that contains the file you wish to delete. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
*Document ID | Provide the ID of the document that you wish to download. |
*File number | Provide the number of the file/section that you wish to delete from the selected document. |
Place a stamp
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
*File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that contains the document you wish to place a stamp on.. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
*Document ID | Provide the ID of the document that you wish to stamp. |
*File number | Provide the number of the file/section where the stamp is to be placed. |
*Page Number | Provide the page number in the selected file/section where the stamp is to be placed. |
*Stamp | Select the stamp to be used. A drop down list will be populated with all available stamps associated with the selected File Cabinet or Document Tray. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the specified stamp. |
*Layer | Provider the layer on the specified page to place the stamp on (1-5). The default is layer 1. |
Horizontal position (X position) | Provide the position from the left edge of the page in mm. If left blank, automatic positioning is used. |
Vertical position (Y position) | Provide the position from the upper edge of the page in mm. If left blank, automatic positioning is used. |
Password | Provide the stamp password (if required). |
Fields (name and value) | Provide the stamp field information. If the stamp contains fields, they will be displayed in the drop down for field name. The values can be set for each field with the field value. |
Replace a file
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* File cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that contains the document you wish to replace a file/section in. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. * |
Document ID | Provide the ID of the document that you wish to replace a file in. |
* File number | This represents the file/section that you want replaced within the specified document. |
* File contents | The contents of the file that you wish to use as a replacement. Note that if this value is provided, you must also provide the file name (as referenced below). |
* File contents (file name) | The name of the file that you wish to upload. This is the name of the file as DocuWare sees it and can be different than the name of the original file. |
Transfer documents
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
* Destination file cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that you wish to transfer a document to. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
* Source file cabinet/document tray | Select the file cabinet or document tray that you wish to transfer a document from. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets and document trays from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet or document tray. |
Store dialog | This is an optional selection that allows you to choose the store dialog to be used for indexing the documents being transferred. The store dialog selection is only used when transferring documents under the following scenarios: File cabinet → file cabinet Document tray → file cabinet A drop down will be populated with a list of all store dialogs associated with the selected destination file cabinet or document tray. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the specified store dialog. |
*Documents (indicated by Doc ID-) | Specify the documents to be transferred along with the the (optional) index data to associate with them. Specify at least one document. Adding index information is optional. |
Keep source | Choose whether you want the source document(s) to be deleted after completing the transfer. |
Fill with Intelligent Indexing | This option allows you to choose whether intelligent indexing should be used (if configured) for the documents that are being transferred. |
Update index fields
Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Fields | Description |
File cabinet | Select the file cabinet that contains the document you wish to update the index entries for. A drop down list will be populated with all available file cabinets from the associated connection. Alternatively, enter the GUID of the target file cabinet. |
* Document ID | ID of the document that you wish to update the index entries for. |
Document Fields | A drop down list will be populated with all available fields from the associated file cabinet. The field value will need to be set for each field specified. Date/DateTime fields contain a value as a string in ISO 860 time format. Example: 2023-04-05T00:00:00.000Z Keywords are represented through an array. Example: [“Value1“, ”Value2”] Tables are nested in an array. Example: [[“Row 1 Column1“,”Row1 Column2”], [“Row2 Column1“,”Row2 Column2”]]. Table fields with Date/DateTime use the same ISO 8601 time format. |